A year ago, my life had collapsed around me. I’d worked myself into exhaustion, my father died suddenly, and my relationships with my work colleagues and loved ones were in turmoil. Little did I know at the time, out of my greatest despair was to come the greatest gift.
I’d been given a glimpse of a Great Secret—The Secret to life. The glimpse came in a hundred-year-old book, given to me by my daughter Hayley. I began tracing The Secret back through history. I couldn’t believe all the people who knew this. They were the greatest people in history: Plato, Shakespeare, Newton, Hugo, Beethoven, Lincoln, Emerson, Edison, Einstein. Incredulous, I asked, “Why doesn’t everyone know this?” A burning desire to share The Secret with the world consumed me, and I began searching for people alive today who knew The Secret.
One by one they began to emerge. I became a magnet: as I began to search, one great living master after another was drawn to me.
When I discovered one teacher, that one would link to the next, in a perfect chain. If I was on the wrong track, something else would catch my attention, and through the diversion the next great teacher would appear. If I “accidentally” pressed the wrong link on an internet search, I would be led to a vital piece of information. In a few short weeks I had traced The Secret back through the centuries, and I had discovered the modern-day practitioners of the Secret.
The vision of taking The Secret to the world in a film had become fixed in my mind, and over the following two months my film and television production team learned The Secret. It was imperative that every team member knew it, because without its knowledge, what we were about to attempt would be impossible. We did not have a single teacher secured to film, but we knew The Secret, and so with utter faith I flew from Australia to the United States where the majority of the teachers were based. Seven weeks later The Secret team had filmed fifty-five of the greatest teachers across the United States, with over 120 hours of film. With every step, with every breath, we used The Secret to create the The Secret. We literally magnetized everything and everyone to us. Eight months later The Secret was released.
As the film swept the world, stories of miracles began to flood in: people wrote about healing from chronic pain, depression, and disease; walking for the first time after an accident; even recovering from a deathbed. We have received thousands of accounts of The Secret being used to bring about large sums of money and unexpected Foreword xi
checks in the mail. People have used The Secret to manifest their perfect homes, life partners, cars, jobs, and promotions, with man accounts of businesses being transformed within days of applying The Secret. There have been heart-warming stories of stressed relationships involving children being restored to harmony.
Some of the most magnificent stories we have received have come from children using The Secret to attract what they want, including high grades and friends. The Secret has inspired doctors to share the knowledge with their patients; universities and schools with their students; health clubs with their clients; churches of all denominations and spiritual centers with their congregations. There are Secret parties being held in homes around the world, as people share the knowledge with loved ones and families. The Secret has been used to attract all manner of things—from a specific feather to ten million dollars. All of this has taken place in the few months since the release of the film.
My intention in creating The Secret was—and still is—that it will bring joy to billions around the world. The Secret team is experiencing the realization of that intention every day, as we receive thousands upon thousands of letters from people across the world, of all ages, all races/and all nationalities, expressing gratitude for the joy of The Secret. There isn’t a single thing that you cannot do with this knowledge. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you are, The Secret can give you whatever you want.
Twenty-four amazing teachers are featured in this book. Their words were filmed all over the United States, all at different times yet they speak as one voice. This book contains The Secret teachers’ words, and it also contains miraculous stories of The Secret in action. I have shared all of the easy paths, tips, and shortcuts that I have learned so that you can live the life of your dreams.
You will notice throughout the book that in certain places I have capitalized the word “You.” The reason I did this is because I want you, the reader, to feel and know that I created this book for you. I am speaking to you personally when I say You. My intention is for you to feel a personal connection with these pages, because The Secret has been created for You.
As you travel through its pages and you learn The Secret, you will come to know how you can have, be, or do anything you want. You will come to know who you really are. You will come to know the true magnificence that awaits you.
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