Dear Friend, Your decision to purchase this book may turn out to be the smartest decision you’ve ever made. As you are about to learn, this book totally delivers on every promise I’ve made in my advertising.
Not only that, every sales-boosting idea you’re about to read has been tested and proven to work in almost every industry on the planet. From dentists to dog walkers, property investment to pizza delivery, this selling system works.
These ideas have already generated hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue for my clients and me. The simple secrets you will learn in Phase 1 have generated more than $400,000,000 in the 167 different niches I’ve deployed them in. And this: The amazing secret in Phase 2 that can make your advertising pull 300% more leads and sales off each and every ad.
And this: The #1 best way to grab any reader by the jugular… and pull them into your sales message… and… almost force them to buy! This is one of my biggest and most powerful secrets. (Even some of the biggest digital marketers in the world don‘t know this core concept.) Phase 3 reveals all… And this: The secrets revealed in Phase 3 are the very same ones I used to help explode the sales of a home-building startup from $0 to $7million in under 8 months.
And this: The secrets revealed in Phase 4 are the very same ones I used to help Raphael Bender multiply the sales of his Pilates instructor training company, Breathe Education, by more than 500% in just 12 months! And this: The secrets revealed in Phase 4 will allow you to turn every advertising dollar into $2, $3, or $4, and outspend all your competitors…
leaving them dumbfounded!
And this: The secrets in the other phases should remove almost every roadblock that has ever stopped you from exploding the sales of your business! These strategies aren’t restricted to big companies with huge marketing
budgets. I’ve used this secret selling system to generate hundreds of millions of dollars in sales for businesses of all sizes.
It’s an immensely powerful system because of four core reasons: IT WORKS FAST. Unlike traditional advertising, which takes months of preparation and a long time to see results, this selling system can be ready to go in a few weeks for immediate, trackable results.
IT’S CHEAP. The businesses successfully using this system have, in many cases, not spent a single cent more on their marketing budgets.
IT’S TIMELESS. This isn’t one of your trendy online marketing gimmicks that relies on hacks and workarounds. It’s a strategy that’s worked for decades and will continue to work for a long time to come.
IT SCALES. This selling system works for any size business, from a sole trader all the way up to a billion-dollar company. And its success isn’t about how much money you throw at it, but how well you do it.
Before I begin, there’s something you need to understand first: It will not be easy. It will take hard work and dedication from YOU. It will require you to believe 100% in your product or service, and it will require you to back that belief with a measurable financial investment to market it to the world.
If you think you can become a millionaire overnight, or get floods of orders by spending $200 a month on advertising, then this book isn’t right for you. In fact, and I honestly mean no offence when I say this, I don’t even want you to read this book! You won’t get anything out of it. There are no silver bullets, hacks, or gimmicks here, so you’d only be wasting your time. I suggest you stop reading now and return the book to where you got it for a refund I know this sounds strange – I mean, what author in their right mind would urge people not to read their book?
What you need to understand is how passionate I am and how seriously I take this. If you’re not 100% committed to throwing everything you have behind the success of your business, then I can’t help you. For me, as with everything else in life, it’s all or nothing.
However, if you are ready to commit and go all in, in the following pages you’ll discover a selling system that will truly bring you a predictable, reliable, and consistent flow of new customers.
Now listen: Somewhere down the line, you’re going to realize the information in this book is worth hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars. And you’re going to start wondering why I’m revealing all these inside secrets for such a low price. The reason is rather simple. You see, I run a very successful digital agency called King Kong. And we have the privilege of working with a handful of billion-dollar companies and hundreds of small-to-medium size businesses to dramatically grow their sales.
The thing is, almost every week I receive emails and handwritten letters from business owners who can’t afford our services but desperately need help with growing their business. Up until now, I haven’t been able to meet their needs.
Then I had an idea! Instead of sending them to the numbskulls who are rampant in the advertising industry, especially in agencies, I put together this playbook on the best sales-producing strategies known to man, with the exact steps on how to grow the sales of any business and sell like crazy!
This is my way of giving back to a community that has made all my wildest dreams possible. No matter where you are on your journey, I hope this book dramatically helps you. I want to thank you for giving me this chance to prove myself to you.
Sabri Suby
P.S. You will benefit more if you read this book straight through from cover to cover instead of ‘hopping around’ from one section to another. Ready? Let’s get started!
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