
The Review features where you can easily collect customer reviews on your online shop. Also, you can perform certain things below:-

  • Approve or disapprove reviews
  • Mark or count a review as spam
  • Send a review to the trash whenever you want


To find review, you will need to navigate to the Dashboard > Review page.


Important Note:

You can no longer edit customer reviews but the admins can still edit or delete them by selecting the product.

Mark as Spam

If you don’t want to show any review then you could mark those review as spam by checking the review and selecting it as “Mark Spam” from the select box.


Trash Reviews

If the you want to delete or make trash any review then you could mark those review as Trash by checking the review and selecting the “Mark Trash” option from the select box.


Un-approve Reviews

If you want to disapprove any review then you have to just click the “Un-approve” option after hovering that review.

Unapproved Review

That’s all about the review option of the dashboard.