Creating products is super easy. You can easily create products and customize them from your dashboard.
Create a product from the dashboard
To create a product, navigate to the dashboard. And then click on Products from the left menu. After that click on the Add New Products button from the top right corner.
You’ll get a new window where you will be able to create a new product giving all the details only.
Basic Details
The common information about a product are the title, price, description. Discount price is optional. You can even schedule discounts for a certain amount of time. You can enter a starting date and end date to apply automatic discounts to your product.
Select Category
By default, category selection is singular. That is why there is a drop-down field to select a category. This should be the standard-setting. Because according to Google Webmaster Guidelines and other SEO and UX best practices, it is recommended to have only one category assigned to a product. If you need to show your products based on multiple factors or for searching or sorting feature, you can use tags.
You need to select the category from the drop-down.
You can also search for categories as well. Just type the category name in the search box, you will see the matching categories,
Click on the Done button to finish adding the categories.
Also, you can add multiple categories.

If you want you can add categories while editing the product as well.

After you have provided all the required information, Click on the Create product button. It will create the product and redirect you to the product edit page, where you will be able to add more information about your product. If you want to create the product and add another one immediately, click on the Create & add new button.
After you have been redirected to the product edit page, there is an option to select a product type. You can select either a Simple or Variable product.
Downloadable Product
If you are selling photos, music, software or any digital product, then this is the option to use. If you click on the Add File button, three more fields will be added.
The name field defines what the downloaded file name should be. We are letting you define that because you might name the original file to something like “” and you want the user to download the file as “New Album”. So this option will be useful for you to serve and organize better.
If you are serving the files from your very own site, then you can click on choose file and select. But you can also serve the file from Dropbox, Google Drive or some other file hosting site you like.
Other Options
Visibility: The visibility option defines the privacy of the product. By default “Catalog and Search” is selected. But if you want the product to only appear on category listing page, search results or want to list as a hidden product, then you can select the option respectively.
If you select any other option than Catalog and Search then the product will not appear on the site other than the store page.
Purchase Note: If you want the customer to receive a custom message right after purchasing the product, you can paste that in the box.
Reviews: If you do not want to receive reviews for the product from the customers, you can turn it on or off.
Blank Product Page
When you setup a shop for the first time, you may not have any products. However, you can create your products from the Blank Product page.
You can create new products or import products as well.

Adding Your Product/Downloadable Files
You will find the Downloadable and Virtual option, Enable them.

Filter Options for Product Listing Page
Now you can filter the products on your product listing page according to the product type. Just select the product type and click on Filter. You will see the filtered products on the list.

Product Bulk Edit
You can edit the products in a bulk from the your dashboard. Go to Dashboard–> Products. You need to choose multiple products to edit. Then click on the Apply button,

You can update/add product categories, change the product status to Draft, and new Tags. Also, you can update product price, sale, weight, shipping class, visibility, change stock status, etc. Click on the Update button to finish.

After finishing the update, you will be able to see the changes in the Product list.

If you click on the quick edit option, you will be able to see the new categories and tags added.